Over the past few years I have started to see a lot more upper back/lower neck problems. Some of this is due to working ergonomics but more worryingly is that I am seeing more younger people with problems in this area that is causing an alteration in the curve in this region, mostly due to mobile phone use. This may not sound to be too much of a problem - however, if this alteration is sustain over a period of time then there will be changes in the surround muscles, they will shorten and tighten as a compensation to the load on this region (see attached picture). This will cause long term chronic problems from neck stiffness and pain, headaches, and potentially disc injuries. Long term this may cause a permanent change to the shape of the curve at the bottom of the neck/upper back region causing a 'hump' to develop. I have been seeing some of these changes in young people (below 30) in which I would not expect to see this sort of problem until after 40 years of age. It may be a time to start thinking how you use your mobile phone or more correctly how you hold your mobile phone!